Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 5 - January 30th

We had a good night, though Micah was up for a couple of hours during the night, so we let him sleep in. Mary had talked with our host the night before, and we concluded that we would forgo going to church in the morning. Anyway, after a late start, we headed out to see the Tower of London, and to enjoy a Medieval Banquet for supper.

The Tower of London was quite amazing, with much to take in. There were many rooms to visit, each with some fascinating aspect of history. My favorite, as well as Micah's, was the "Fit for a King" tower, which held a bunch of different armor collections from kings. King Henry VIII had quite the armor, and had no shame in embellishing some body parts, apparently. It was in this tower that Mary and I assumed that the kids were ahead of us, so we quickly moved through the rest of it to find them. Of course, they were behind us, and after a while we were reconnected again. I'm glad our irresponsible parenting is consistent, no matter which part of the world we visit. Aby and Mary liked the crown jewel exhibit the best, and Aby actually wanted to visit there a second time.

After our visit there, we managed to find our way to the place where the Medieval Banquet was going to be. We arrived there about a 1/2 hour early, and so we just hung out till the doors opened at 5:15. There weren't many people there, and so the setting was cozy, and that seemed to work very well for the environment. And so we were entertained before we ate, and while we ate, and it was genuinely a lot of fun. I even danced, feeling like Michael Jackson for about a 1/2 second or so. We were able to visit with the other guests as well as the actors. We had a bit of an adventure getting back - some of the tubes were closed for repair & a certain little person in our family lost her travelcard. Everything worked out and we made it back home.

1 comment:

  1. See Mark - Catherine's dressing you up as a knight over the last 2 Christmases helped get you ready for this part of your adventure!!!
