Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lake Naivasha Sopa Resort - Feb 18th

Each evening we sat out while the sun went down and watched for the hippos to come out.

The stepping stones Micah tried to cross while fully clothed. (key word tried)

This was a naughty monkey who ate our cookies

Micah & Aby with their new friends, Tristan & Emma

This is a tea field.

The Kenny children had Friday off, so together our families decided to go to Lake Naivasha Sopa Resort, which is part of the Rift Valley. We left after breakfast on Friday, made a stop at Nairobi Java House on the way, and traveled to Lake Naivasha, about 1.5 hours away, with Silas, our driver from Phoenix Safaris. It was a smooth trip, and we were able to drive past some tea and coffee farms.

To say the least, we were nicely surprised when we got to the resort. It is beautiful, and has a Teddy Roosevelt feel to it in terms of being grandiose and, well, Kenyan. We were shown our cabins, with the Kenny's having a cabin for their family, Erica's mom having a cabin, and us having a cabin for our family. Buffet lunch was served at 12:30, and it was incredible. Right after lunch, the kids decided to walk across stones in the pool, but Micah had a misstep and plunged into the pool. Next, our plan was to go for a hike at Hell's Gate, but the weather looked a bit suspicious, so the kids got to go on horse rides instead. They had a lot of fun, guided around the compound by some resort workers. It isn't everyday that you can go on a horse ride with giraffes and zebras. They went for their official swim after that.

At 4:30 it was time for tea, and our table was visited by some monkeys. This was kind of fun, but also a little unsettling because they were fairly unpredictable. The kids then headed to hang out in Mary's (Erica's mom) room, while Aaron and Erica and Mark and Mary headed into Naivasha to find some refreshments. That was an adventure in and of itself. We returned to the resort and had refreshments outside on the balcony, watching various wildlife go by.

At 7:30 it was time for supper, and what a supper it was. Again, buffet style, and eat until you can eat no more. It was fabulous. By the time we were done supper, though, most of us were pretty tired, and we retired fairly early.

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